Identifying and 报告偏见事件 at 九州娱乐官网



    九州娱乐官网致力于培养一个欢迎所有学生的社区, 教职员工. An informed awareness of the climate on campus is an essential 九州娱乐官网努力创建一个支持性的学术,住宿, and professional environment for our diverse population. 九州娱乐官网 has developed 一个涉及偏见事件的报告系统,包括偏见教育 反应小组(BERT). 的 BERT is responsible for serving as an educational role to continue cultivating the values of 九州娱乐官网.  

    According to the 九州娱乐官网 student 手册,学院不容忍可能被认为是偏见事件的行为 any of its students, faculty, staff, and community members. 书院期望其 学生、教师和工作人员应避免针对他人的不容忍行为 社区成员,包括(但不限于)骚扰、仇恨言论、 和歧视. 的 College does not seek to limit freedom of speech, including 仇恨言论,而是希望确保所有成员都能充分参与 大学事件和活动不必担心偏见,恐吓,或骚扰 他们的身份.



    偏差事件 -任何针对人或财产的行为或行动,包括 在种族、肤色、民族的基础上使用表达偏见的污蔑或绰号 或种族、年龄、宗教、残疾、性别、性取向或性别 identity and expression, but is not a criminal offense.

    Examples of 偏差事件s:                 

    • Offensive social media post
    • Tampering or defacing property
    • 暴力行为
    • Using offensive language or slang based on a person’s identity
    • Distribution of hateful literature

    仇恨犯罪 联邦调查局将仇恨犯罪定义为“针对人或财产的刑事犯罪” 犯罪者的全部或部分动机是对种族、宗教、性别的偏见 orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” According to the Civil Rights 总检察长办公室司,马里兰州法律相应 保护人们免受犯罪的威胁或对他们犯下的罪行,因为他们 种族、肤色、宗教信仰、性取向、性别、残疾或国籍 origin, or because another person or group is homeless. For more information on the definition and classification of hate click 在这里.  

    注意: 所有的仇恨犯罪都是偏见事件,但并非所有的偏见事件都是仇恨犯罪.

    Microaggressions - 简短的共同交流,往往是自动和无意的语言,行为 以及对环境的侮辱,传达敌意、贬损或负面的侮辱 针对基于种族、肤色、民族或族裔出身的目标群体或个人, 年龄,宗教,残疾,性别,性取向,或性别认同和表达.

    Examples of Microaggressions:

    • Excluding a person due to religious practices
    • Comments that single out a person based on their identity
    • Not acknowledging a person’s race

    Common college campus locations w在这里 bias 事件s occur nationwide:

    • 学生宿舍
    • 社交媒体
    • Off-campus social settings
    • 教室


    经历或观察到偏见事件的教职员工、学生或访客, 包括仇恨犯罪和微侵犯,我们强烈鼓励举报这些行为 书院意外事件. For immediate assistance or in the case of an emergency, please contact Public Safety at 410-778-7810 24/7.

    人们可以通过提交偏见事件来自我识别或匿名报告偏见事件 通过CARE报告. Students, staff and faculty may report a bias 事件 through the CARE system; please 点击这里.  由教职员工、学生和访客报告的偏见事件直接报告 to the Director of 跨文化事务.

    注意: 的 BERT team does not normally issue required sanctions. Instead, the team is authorized to provide educational opportunities. In some cases, BERT team will offer these educational 除了官方裁决可能产生的任何制裁之外,还有机会 流程(学生行为流程或员工行为流程).

    BIAS Education 反应小组(BERT)

    偏见教育应对小组旨在通过以下方式营造一个安全和包容的环境 为那些犯罪的人提供宣传和恢复性教育 a bias 事件 or acts of discrimination.  This team is charged with reviewing alleged 偏见事件和提供教育解决方案,鼓励成长 the individual that address historical injustices and social inequities. 此外, when appropriate the team will refer 事件s for conduct action.

    In addition to reviewing bias 事件s, the BERT team will:

    • 就如何最好地培养一个热情和包容的氛围向行政部门提出建议 校园环境.
    • Prepare an annual report detailing the number and type of 事件s reported. 的 report will include how 事件s were addressed.
    • Develop and distribute information defining bias 事件s; including the bias education 响应协议. Publications will remain current and consistent with the student 以及员工手册.

    过程 & Tracking of 偏差事件s

    对于学生来说,反映偏见或歧视行为的行为可能构成 违反了九州娱乐官网的荣誉守则,而荣誉守则是学生的基础 进行系统. For employees, these behaviors may constitute a violation of policies governing employee conduct. Every bias 事件 has a unique context that requires consideration before developing a response. Whether it is a contained or a community 对偏见事件,及时、透明地作出即时反应并跟进 将会实施. At any time, the Bias Education 反应小组(BERT) may contact 其他校园和社区资源,以帮助处理过程或提供帮助 any campus community member involved in the bias 事件.


    1. 报告将会被审阅 to determine nature and level of severity. 原告将 be contacted if identity known. Guided by the wishes of the Complainant, party or parties responsible for initiating the bias behavior will be contacted. 对于最严重的 cases, the BERT team will convene for immediate action.
    2. 收集初步报告. Verifiable information will be collected from Complainant or parties and parties involved in the alleged bias 事件. 报告将会被审阅 with the BERT team to provide details of the 事件.
    3. 以书面形式通知与事件有关的各方并发布解决方案.
    4. 与投诉人会面,以便提供咨询、健康服务、 或其他必要的支持,以确保安全,并给予帮助和安慰 to the victims(s) or others in the campus community.
    5.  适当时,制定并实施适当的计划来启动沟通 与更广泛的社团、学生领袖和成员密切参与 事件.

    6. 如有需要,适当转介至其他办事处,例如 担任:学生事务副总裁/学生、人力资源、跨文化事务主任; 及公共安全.
    7.  Follow up with the parties involved in the 事件.

    8. 以书面通知投诉人及有关各方调查结果. 所获得的有关投诉的信息将尽可能保密。 as guided by federal and state laws such as FERPA and the Clery Act.

    偏差事件s Resolutions

    BERT团队已经制定了决议,将在培养中发挥教育作用 一种包容的、文明的、相互尊重所有人的氛围 the 九州娱乐官网 community. Based on the severity of the alleged bias 事件, 这可能会导致转介到适当的行为程序,对于学生受访者, it may result in an Honor Board hearing. 的 educational resolutions from the BERT team may include, but are not limited to:

    • Reflection paper/project on 事件. 论文/项目将包括具体反思问题的答案 to the 事件 that occurred. 的 reflection paper/project aims to foster growth 与学生一起,确保他们已经处理了所发生的事件,已经 critically thought about their role, and describe what they have 学会了.
    • Immersion experience with reflection. 沉浸式体验的目标是让学生置身于这样的环境中 they can learn from experiences that are different than their own.  的浸 经验也会有一个反思论文/项目组件来强调是什么 学会了.

    Bias Education Response Team (BERT team)

    Representation of this group includes: